Childhood is a stage in life most enjoy, it's carefree life, parents make all the decision for you. You just have to play and have fun. Learning is also made fun by games and other learning related activities.
Thereafter comes the "hardest phase in life" according to most of the people. The adolescent or the teenage years . These are the hormonal fueled years where drastic changes happen to your body. This is the basis upon which many people say that "teenage years are the hardest phase in life". However in this phase of life you are still concentrated on learning, doing exams and still somewhat carefree. You still receive all the attention from your parents there is not a major change in life other than the changes that happen to you with in. Your school years finish in your late teens but at that time you are well adapted changes that happened 5-6 years back.
Let me take you back 65 million years. At that time, it was the dinosaurs that ruled the earth. These are huge reptile like mammals who were thriving in volcanic atmospheric conditions. But dinosaurs disappeared from face of the earth following a gigantic asteroid collision. As a result of this there was massive changes in the atmospheric conditions and it was believed that because the dinosaurs could adapt to these changes that they faced extinction. This is a very similar belief like I mentioned above. But later scientists found out that they did adapt to the changes but it was earth changing back to its original state that made the dinosaurs extinct.
As you can see life can adapt to change, but if more than one major change occur in relatively small period of time, adapting becomes even harder. Therefore I believe that it is not the teenage years but young adult phase that is the hardest in life. I will prove it to you why.
In young adulthood, ages between 20 - 30 years are the most hardest years in my perspective. This is where the social perimeter changes several times, you enter into several new relationships, and you are still trying to stand on your two feet in life. Early in your young adulthood university life changes your social perimeter. You encounter new people from various social backgrounds, then your primal instinct comes into play and many start relationships with partners all the while trying to study and finding your footing in life. After a relative small amount of time like 4 years, you turn another different chapter in life; work. Again you encounter new people and new a lifestyle. Then you are forced to balance work, love, family and your future aspirations. That is the second major change within 4 years. When you are about to feel comfortable in it, another asteroid collide in your life path; marriage. These major changes in life within a very short periods of time is the killer. That's why I say, young adulthood is the most hardest phase in life.
Hence these are the make it or break it years of life. Conquer these years and your rest of the life will be a bliss. Finding a good job, finding a partner in life, securing your future with further education are the key features of this phase in life. It is the hardest phase in life because you encounter several major changes in life and balancing them. I'm still to conquer this phase of life, as of now almost half of it is gone and great many things to be achieved. Have trouble in concentrating in further studies, but determined to drive ahead and achieve great many challenges in life.
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