I can’t believe that I have already worked for six months @ IFS. It seems like yesterday that I started my placement. I think that I feel like that because I have been working and working and if there isn’t any work I nudge them until they give me work and that maybe why I feel this way.
Well, to be honest, at the moment I have nothing to do. The bug queue is almost empty and there are a couple cases but all waiting for answers from the customer. I’m in the 7th floor and in the middle of the floor but a really good place (if you get what I mean ;) ). I have a couple of friends from the training days in my floor so I’m not all lonely J.
My work isn’t much hard any more, since I know where to look for the files now. I’m working on some GUI enhancement of an installer and waiting for it to get approved by the high ranked people. This is a really negligible little enhancement when you consider the product that we already have but I feel that I have done a good job on it.
Prof. Alfred is supposed to come to IFS to see if I’m filling in the “log book” properly and to see how good is my work but he has still not come (good that he is late coming cuz if he comes and see me doing nothing and writing this, I might not get the degree ;) ).
An assignment came today from IIT telling to write an essay on how well I’m following the PDP (personal development plan) I gave before coming for placement! Ya right…. I have followed that to the dot! I can’t even remember the stuff I had written in it! Will have to find it ASAP it should be some where in my comp or one of my pen drives (I have soo many pen drives. xD )
Good that I bring ayya’s Zune to work because if not I’d be bored to death! Listening to TNL at the moment! TNL rox!
Well, I dunno what else that I should be including into this note so I’ll stop here.