My site hasn't had 500 hits yet but I thought of putting some ads in here just for fun. I haven't got any money from it but there are many guys out there who blog and make a handsome amount of money from it. Why don't you also try it??? You might get lots of hits to your website one day and that day you will regret that you haven't had monetize your blog before!!
Why regret?? I doesn't hurt anyone by monetizing your blog.
It's not a long and tedious process to add some ads in to your blog! Here's how I did it.

I went to Google Adsense and got registered to it. You don't have to pay anything for them to get registered and you can use your existing Google email address(That is if you have one) to make an account in adsense. There are also bunch of other sites who post ads into your blog (Yahoo also has something like adsense but I don't know much about it). And then fill in your details it's that simple. You don't have to put credit card details or anything just fill out the form and they will mail your earning to your doorstep(via post).
You can also get your earnings debited to your bank account too. Google adsense has presentations prepared for users who doesn't know who to add the ads to there blogs and presentations on many more things related to monetizing your blog.
But they only sent in your earnings when it reaches $100. If you are not that much of a blogger and your site doesn't gets hits much(Like my blog) you might think it's a waste of time doing it. But wait!!! Think again!!
If people don't come to your website MAKE them come to your website!! Here are bunch of stuff that might get you to increase your hits and thereby increase your earnings.(I too am trying to do that :D)
- Post articles about timely and interesting stuff. (People always want know new stuff)
- Make your post short and sweet. (People doesn't want to read too long articles)
- Put pictures and make things look attractive.
- Don't write long paragraphs and try to use lists and much as possible.
Well, monetize your blog and make some money while you are doing your hobby.
So, then Happy Blogging!! :D